Re-enac­ting Michael Gibbs’ “Ad Nau­seam”

Let it Keep Secrets was a series of exhi­bi­ti­ons, lec­tu­res and per­for­man­ces in Amster­dam, cele­bra­ting the early work of the wri­ter, visu­al artist, cri­tic and publis­her Michael Gibbs 1949-2009.
During this fes­ti­val I re-enac­ted his per­for­man­ce “Ad Nau­seam” (get­ting nau­seous) from 1977 at Sole­dad Sen­l­le Art Foun­da­ti­on on seve­r­al 2-hour ses­si­ons, using the box Let­ra­set of Michael Gibbs that was offe­red to me.
